Persian Architecture

Persepolis was the ceremonial capital of the Achaemenid Empire (c. 550–330 BC). It is situated in the plains of Marvdasht, encircled by southern Zagros mountains of the Iranian plateau. The beautiful city of Shiraz is situated 60 km southwest of its ruins. The old city is raised...

The beautiful city of Shiraz shares another of its treasures with the world: the Nasir-ol-Molk Mosque, also known as the Pink Mosque. This Qajar-era structure, completed in 1925 is mostly famous for its vibrant color displays which offer its visitor a magical dance as the sunlight...

The stunning tomb of Hafez commonly known as Hafezieh, is in the Mosalla Gardens (formerly know as the Golgast-e Mosalla, featured in Hafez’s poetry) situated in northern Shiraz, in memory of the very celebrated and deeply respected Persian poet Hafez. Alterations to Hafez's tomb involved elevating...

Shah Abbas I of Persia ordered the building of the majestic Shah Mosque (also known as Imam mosque) during the Safavid dynasty, between 1612-1637. You can find it on the south side of Naghsh-e Jahan Square, in the beautiful city of Esfehan. It is regarded as...

Saadi’s tomb was first built in the 13th century before it was destroyed in the 17th century. Later, a 2-floor mausoleum was built. The current stunning building was finished in 1952 and it incorporates a mix of old and new architectural elements. You can find...

The stunning Borujerdi House was built in 1857 by Seyyed Mehdi Borujerdi, a merchant from Kashan. Mehdi fell in love with a girl from the affluent Tabatabaei family. To impress her family, the merchant dedicated this house to the girl, who became his wife. The construction...

In the early 1930’s, under Reza Shah, in Ferdowsi’s native neighbourhood of Tus, Khorasan, a beautiful white marble tomb monument was erected in his honor, to recognize his majestic literary contribution with his Persian epic, Shahnameh (Book Of Kings). The tomb complex is composed of a...

Built around 515 B.C., Persepolis was the capital of the Achaemenid Empire. It’s founder Darius I the Great contributed to the biggest territory extension of the empire. On the Achaemenid sovereign's monumental tomb, in Naqsh-i Rustam, near the beautiful city of Shiraz, you can read the...