Rostam is the son of Zal and Rudabeh. He is a legendary Persian hero whose epic warrior suit Babr-e Bayan made him invincible throughout his numerous glorious combats. He is best known for his fight with Esfandiyar, the other legendary Persian hero whom Rostam kills. But perhaps...

Shah Abbas I of Persia ordered the building of the majestic Shah Mosque (also known as Imam mosque) during the Safavid dynasty, between 1612-1637. You can find it on the south side of Naghsh-e Jahan Square, in the beautiful city of Esfehan. It is regarded as...

Just like the magnificently talented poet Saadi, the impressive HAFEZ was also born in the magical city of Shiraz (~1325). DIVAN is the name of a beautiful collection of his poems. Many proud Persian speakers learn Hafez’ inspiring work by heart and use it in...

Saadi’s tomb was first built in the 13th century before it was destroyed in the 17th century. Later, a 2-floor mausoleum was built. The current stunning building was finished in 1952 and it incorporates a mix of old and new architectural elements. You can find...

I found a wonderful article on Persian miniatures which fascinate me and I thought I would share it with you. They are so beautiful. The online article is titled “Persian Miniature Painting” and here is an excerpt: Persian miniature painting is a courtly and aristocratic art,...

This is my Beautiful Persian Architecture candle from my unique launch collection. The gorgeous artwork is the work of talented Persian artist Fahimeh Forouhan. Make sure you keep the jar and continue enjoying the stunning artwork well after the candle is fully burnt. Check out my website...

Essence is emptiness. Everything else, accidental. Emptiness brings peace to your loving. Everything else, disease. In this world of trickery emptiness is what your soul wants. ...

The stunning Borujerdi House was built in 1857 by Seyyed Mehdi Borujerdi, a merchant from Kashan. Mehdi fell in love with a girl from the affluent Tabatabaei family. To impress her family, the merchant dedicated this house to the girl, who became his wife. The construction...

Another Magnificent Persian poet who touched the hearts of millions with his beautiful poetry. Shakh-Muslah-ud-Din SAADI, also known as Sadi of Shiraz, was born in 1213 and his most famous work titled: Gulistan (or Golestan) is a collection of short anecdotes based on his life...

Iran’s rich cultural and ethnical background diversifies into a wealthy multiethnic society of Persians, Azeris, Kurds, Baluchis, Lors, Turks and Arabs who all share the unifying Iranian identity. There are around a million nomads in Iran today belonging to the Qashqa’i and Bakhtiyari tribes of Turkic...